May 31, 2010

can you please take a seat. or not.

A couple of friends told us that our wedding would be a very first wedding for them to attend in their life(!). That is a huge honor for us!
But, our wedding is nothing "traditional". far from "traditional", so hopefuly it will be ok for them. I just don't wanna disappoint them! They may expect like this wedding... (I had been to so many weddings from "traditional" to "non-traditional" :)
Our ceremony will be held at a park, and we are considering having "standing ceremony" style. like below.
they have chairs for only first row (prob. for families?). We both like this style.
I also like this 'sitting on the ground" style, too.


May 30, 2010

DIY night...

Can you believe? we have less than only 70 days now!
Last night all of sudden I started worrying about all DIY stuff in my bed, so I crawled out of the bed at 2am :)

First, I did paper lantern lighting up test.
Taped LED throwies and batteries together and hung them.

with one amber LED
with one amber LED and one warm white light LED
Pretty nice.

and next project, done cutting!
Now I can go back to the bed :))


May 29, 2010

cut cut cut

Alex is in Germany now, he will be out of country for 16days!
Now, this is the time to work on this project!!

pretty soft pastel colors~~

draw lines and cut and cut and cut.... I'll see how it's gonna be look like~


music 2

I love this song. (Alex did not feel it for the ceremony ;p )


May 28, 2010

music ♪

We haven't decided yet how we will play music at the ceremony. (maybe a country band or just a boom box or renting PA system?)
Anyway we need to start picking songs for the ceremony and the reception.

This has to be played at the reception!! My favorite 80's song :)  Riiiiiiccck!!!! Love his dance :)
who doesn't like this song?? :))
We are huge 80's song nerds! (I also loved 80's movies, too. "St. Elmo's fire" or "Pretty in Pink"... awwwwww)

German version, indeed.

リックアストリーとか、もう「三ツ矢サイダー」って感じですよね。(知ってます?)もー、話はずれるけど80年代映画とかも好きだったなー。セントエルモスファイアーとかプリティインピンクとかね。(分からないっすか?) 歌手ならティファニーとかデビーギブソンとかね。はー懐かしい。ってことで、いろんな音楽を混ぜ合わせるんですけど、80'sはマストで。

May 21, 2010

Who should walk me down the aisle?

I'd never worried about it. don't know why while many of brides were torn between "dad" or "step-dad"or something like that.
I don't have father since I was little and I'm not the person who cares "traditional" thing, so I always think like " yeah, maybe do by myself or with my fiance?".
Alex agreed with my idea walking two of us. But I kinda started to think like "how about with my mom?". only if she wants it. she is super shy, so I'm not sure if she can handle that situation.
So, I emailed her if she wants to do that. Then she emailed me back and said "What are you talking about??? I told you that your uncle will do that. He is going to fly all the way from Japan only for the reason!!". (He is going to stay here for just 2 nights!!!)
ahhh, I didn't know that.... ahhh, what am I gonna do? It's not like I don't want to...
I never in million years thought that I would have this "who should I pick?" moment in my life.
haha, funny :)
at the end, my mom wrote me, "it's your wedding. once in your life. you can do whatever makes you happy.".
Still don't know what to do....


May 20, 2010

sweets idea

via tastespotting, flickr bakerella

since we really loved a cake my friend Voula baked at Kai's birthday, we asked her to bake our wedding cake. We kind felt bad, b/c we already asked a favor of her to make our "photobooth". But, she said "OK" :)) Thanks Voula!

I posted before that I liked the idea of cupcakes.... But I changed my mind. The cakes grab my heart these days are layered cakes, kind of rustic, county homemade style cakes.

And we will have pies as well, of course :)

ケーキー。どーしよーかなーと思ってたところ友達に頼んだら快く引き受けてくれた!良かった。この前誕生日で食べたレッドベルベットが超おいしかったから、あれを作ってもらおう。デザインはまた考えておいてと言われたので、こんなのいいかなーと思ってます。あとは、パイね。 でも、あんまり日本人ってご飯食べた後とかケーキとか食べられないよね?って、私だけかなー?

May 17, 2010

marriage ring

The day is getting closer. Need to pick my wedding ring.
I'm not a jewerly person. I don't like bling-bling, so I picked this as my engagement ring. (yes, I picked myself :) And now I am torn between three options below.

First, here's the engagement ring on my finger (harily finger? don't worry I will shave them at the day.)

so simple ($35)

little rustic textured ring ($85 ? I forgot the price)

beaded ring ($75)
all above from oil+me
hmmmm, haven't made up my mind yet.....


videographer 2

ahhh, the friend of friend hasn't replied us yet.... maybe it's not gonna happen. sad :(
oh, as for the camera I bought from Japanese website, my mom could not send it to me.
Somehow America dose not accept packages which include lithium batteries, so I have to wait for it until August my mom to bring it with her :(


May 8, 2010


Photograph or Video or both?
We spend loooots of time to find our perfect photographer, however, we decided not to hire a videographer. Of course, we really wanted one and it would be great if we have one, if only we have no budget limitation.

Guess what happen, then??
Our friend emailed and his friend just offered us "free" wedding video!! (because he is looking to start "wedding" video business.) Who doesn't want to take the offer?? We are lucky!

BTW, I just bought this camera!
this is a tiny (2 inches!) toy-digital camera. (by Japanese manufacture)
What I like about this camera is... below

I can also shoot movie with this, and it looks like 8mm movie like old vintage movie style. And it was about $60!


最近全く更新してなかったんだけど。。なぜかというと、特になーんもしてないからです。招待状を出した後から、特に何もすることがない。やろうと思えばい ろいろあるんだろうけど、なんか今から準備してもこの狭い部屋で置いておくとこもないしー。という感じで、先延ばし。その代わりと言っちゃなんですが、と にかくうちの家族の飛行機の予約やらホテル調べやら、式の後の旅行の予定と、後は自分たちのハネムーン(と言っても日本)の予定をいろいろ考えてたりして バタバタはしておりますが。そんな感じの最近です。