Jul 6, 2010

language card

Our guests are mixed of American, German, and Japanese. Then, Alex designed this cute conversation book in English/German/Japanese :) This is funny and awesome idea!!

アレックスが言語カードなるものを作ってくれました。中にはいろんな会話が英語・ドイツ語・日本語(&ローマ字)で書かれてます。 ははー、これを使ってみんなが会話出来たら楽しい♪

almost finally!?

we went to Pasadena today. to get Alex's clothes. yes, he hasn't found one yet.
yes, our wedding is in 4 weeks.
we start from urbanoutfitters, banana, zara, h&m, american apparel and Jcrew.
finally, he found pants!!!! from Jcrew!
what a big relief :))) he's not gonna wear a suit as he was planning before. he goes more casual yet nice style!! He still needs to get a shirt, a tie, and a hat.

oh, by the way, stay away from Brooks Brothers in BH. or if you really want to be treated like Julia Roberts from Pretty Woman, this is the place :P

後はシャツと蝶ネクタイと帽子。 花嫁はドレスを20分で決め、花婿は4ヶ月かかって探しております。が、やっとそんな長いトンネルにも光が差してきました。神様ありがとう。