Jan 29, 2010

life is hard...

I know our wedding budget is super small. $8,000.
But it is still not easy to squeeze this amout from our pocket.
We both are foreigners. which we have been spending a LOT of money for getting working visa.
(yes, we are LEGAL aliens :)

anyway, today's post is nothing to do with "wedding", but "money".
While saving money for the wedding, I still wanted shopping for my daily fashion.

via oil+me
via clarevivier

but now, the dream became just a dream.... sad

because I have to spend $2,500 for this.



  1. wow, i know. the dental work here is too expensive!!

  2. she is a really good dentist, but I just have toooooo many bad teeth :(
    true, I can fly back to Japan and get my teeth done.
