May 8, 2010


Photograph or Video or both?
We spend loooots of time to find our perfect photographer, however, we decided not to hire a videographer. Of course, we really wanted one and it would be great if we have one, if only we have no budget limitation.

Guess what happen, then??
Our friend emailed and his friend just offered us "free" wedding video!! (because he is looking to start "wedding" video business.) Who doesn't want to take the offer?? We are lucky!

BTW, I just bought this camera!
this is a tiny (2 inches!) toy-digital camera. (by Japanese manufacture)
What I like about this camera is... below

I can also shoot movie with this, and it looks like 8mm movie like old vintage movie style. And it was about $60!


最近全く更新してなかったんだけど。。なぜかというと、特になーんもしてないからです。招待状を出した後から、特に何もすることがない。やろうと思えばい ろいろあるんだろうけど、なんか今から準備してもこの狭い部屋で置いておくとこもないしー。という感じで、先延ばし。その代わりと言っちゃなんですが、と にかくうちの家族の飛行機の予約やらホテル調べやら、式の後の旅行の予定と、後は自分たちのハネムーン(と言っても日本)の予定をいろいろ考えてたりして バタバタはしておりますが。そんな感じの最近です。