Jan 9, 2010

this and that

I am already freaked out. totally. even though we have 7 more months to go.
"I" am the only one freaked out.
Alex told me that I am pushing myself too hard and I should relax.
But, there are sooooooooooooo many little things I have to think about. I can't sleep, I mean, I am freaked out in my dream and I feel like half sleep and half awake.

I went to a couple of thrift/antique/junk stores on weekdays, but couldn't find anything.
We are going to Rosebowl flea market tomorrow. Hopefuly I could find stuff I am looking for.
We need to go back to a ceremony location we are interested most.
We need to go to the reception restaurant to sign a contract.
We need to start design our invitation and go take a look papers and supplies.
so far like this...

Seriously I want to know how DIY brides took care of their wedding. Now I am concidering to hire DOC(day of coordinator), otherwise I don't think I can sleep for looooong time. sigh.
