Mar 24, 2010

busy busy

ahhh, I haven't posted anything again....
We've been busy busy, cuz we back and forth the paper stores or craft stores. Besides we did voluteer for LA marathon! (its nothing to do with our wedding :)
And then....Finally the invitations are almost ready to ship.
Please wait for it, our friends and family!!
Once they are out, I will post here. They are sooooo cuuuuttteeeee.

here's some I got from etsy recently.
via silver pencils  

 for my hair/makeup trial. not sure if I use this one for my real wedding yet.

via Yoshino bag

it's nothing to do with my wedding. I just LOVE this bag. So cute.

via Yoshino bag

no, I haven't got this bag yet, but I always wanted this. LOVE LVOE this design/color. there are more awesome designs and colors. Please check the etsy store!!!!

もうバタバタしてて、更新できなかったんだけど、やっと招待状が完成に近付いております。ふーー、長い道のりだったわ。ってほとんどアレックスがやったんだけど。私は店に行って、物調達係りでアレックスはデザインと細かい手作業。これ、普通逆? なんせ、この大雑把な私がやると全てぶち壊しそうなので、任せました。